
Monday, October 11, 2010

Join us for our Fall Workshop Series 10/23 -10/24!

Fall Workshop Series
by Lancaster Farmacy
part of the Lancaster Skill Share Collective Weekend

Saturday 10/23
Fall Natural Health Care
11am Come learn to prepare your medicine cabinet for the cold season. We will discuss fall medicinal plants and share how to make a root tonic. 

The Art of Fire by Friction 
12:30pm Rediscover a forgotten skill from our past and reclaim the ability to create a fire from natural materials. 

Ways of a Gatherer
2pm Wild nut harvesting/processing. Taste the delicious and nutrient filled food of the forest, Hickory Nuts! We will share how to harvest and process foraged nuts into a nourishing nut milk over our fire from the previous workshop.

Sunday 10/24
Garlic Planting!!
12-3pm Join Lancaster Farmacy in a community workday of planting this medicinal food, garlic. Get hands on experience on a certified organic farm. 

All free, donations welcomed

All workshops located at our farm at 1075 Gypsy Hill Road
From county park, head down Gypsy Hill Road, look on left for old stone wall. Left turn into hidden land in the wall. (Before the bridge and across from Esther's yellow house) Continue up land and look to left for Lancaster Farmacy. 

Open to the public for workshops only
Lancaster Farmacy is a new organic herb farm part of Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative